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on respecting your own pace, knowing when to ramp up and surrounding yourself with the right people

Where to Stream:

It was more than a pleasure to get to reconnect with Salesforce’s Senior Solution Engineer Robin Holloway, whom I’ve had the pleasure of knowing for 5 years now. Robin and I met in Buenos Aires, Argentina through our involvement with Fora during the G20 Summit and have nurtured the international nature of our relationship by meeting up in exciting cities, such as New York, and now virtually via Austin and London for this podcast. Robin worked her way into Business Systems before it was even a thing and rode the wave to titles, such as Systems Architect and Solution Engineer, understanding that companies’ internal platforms needed problem solving and love before the companies did themselves. Now she’s on a mission to level up her knowledge and ramp up on her career at a time when her peers may be staying the course. 


This podcast felt really special to me because I got to learn more about what makes Robin tick and how many more things we have in common than we previously thought. In this episode of Balanceness, we talk about finding a pace that feels right for you despite what everyone else around you is doing and how to deal with the emotional consequences of swimming against this current. We also discuss recognizing times in your life when you might lose the balance you’ve worked so hard to cultivate, and communicating this with friends and family, and more importantly yourself, so that you are supported during the turbulence. Finally, we talk about how to know when to ramp up and when to ramp down. To me, this convo felt like I was staying up late with a friend bonding over the trials and tribulations of getting a handle on life. I hope this conversation resonates with you and that you pocket some of Robin’s nuggets of wisdom for moving towards self-acceptance. 





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