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on nomadism, multiple lives and grounding activities

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This week’s guest, Tiffany Caprarella, has lived multiple lives. Tiffany and I met during one of these 22 years ago while on a public bus traveling to Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica. I noticed that her then boyfriend had a Canadian flag tattooed to his ankle, so being the good Canadian that I am, struck up a conversation with the two. We spent the next few nights ogling over ant formations, diagnosing the wildebeest-like noises coming from the jungle (turns out they were Howler monkeys) and sampling gallo pinto. We learned that we were both slated to move to Toronto, Canada after our Central American adventures and, even more serendipitous, two streets apart from each other. We set upon building an incredible friendship that has taken us to international locations and through life’s ups and downs. 


Tiffany grew up in La Cresenta, LA and attended Los Angelos County High School for the Arts where her love of theater blossomed. She completed her BA in Education and Deaf Studies and has a Teaching Certification in Secondary Education in English and Dramatic Arts. She has taught in both residential schools and public schools for both hearing and deaf students and in wilderness schools internationally. Most recently, she has worked at Paramount as an on set teacher in Canada and the U.S. Tiffany speaks English, Spanish, ASL and Portuguese and has traveled, climbed and surfed in too many locations to list on this page.


After a recent conversation about Janalogue during which Tiffany has limited her online time to 1 hour per day, I wanted to further explore the way in which she thinks about and prioritizes her time. In this episode, we explore what drives Tiffany to explore new environments and how she uses visualization to choose her next destination. We talk about using our working hours to provide structure and grounding ourselves in more itinerant times. If you’ve ever thought about working to live as opposed to living to work, Tiffany is your gal. I hope this episode helps you think about developing new hobbies, staying curious and cracking the code for living multiple lives. 




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