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on maintaining boundaries despite what your mother, bestie or dog needs

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It was my pleasure to welcome seasoned social worker Jenny Frisch on this episode of Balanceness. Jenny is a Social Worker registered with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers and is a member of the Ontario Association of Social Workers. Jenny’s areas of focus include working with adolescents and adults experiencing anxiety, trauma, grief and loss, separation, divorce, and parent-child relationship issues. She provides support to parents and caregivers around parenting practices, managing children’s behavior and supporting healthy development. Jenny received her certification in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness with Children and Adults from the Sick Kids Centre for Community & Mental Health as well as her MSW from the University of Toronto. In addition, she has done training in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy from the DBT Centre of Vancouver  


Jenny came into my life over 30 years ago at sleep away camp and is my SOS call when I’m struggling with work, relationships, or childcare issues. It was during a call when, naturally, we were venting about our own hardships with maintaining boundaries with our families that I realized she would be the perfect person to discuss the impact that boundaries (or the lack thereof) can have on one’s ability to maintain balance. Jenny describes her personal balance as “a felt sense”, which I loved, because a lot of people feel the concept intuitively. For example, she has a good sense of what recipe of sleep, movement, friends and schedule needs to look like to support her balance and, conversely, what breaches in boundaries upset her sense of balance. In this episode we talk about boundary development, boundary myths and how creating boundaries can help manage anger. We talk about boundaries in the context of family, friends, romantic partners and even how we need to maintain healthy boundaries with our children in order to secure their healthy detachment. This episode is great for anyone who has undergone trauma or feels as if they are being selfish when putting up boundaries and is also good reminder for those who feel confident in their boundary creation on how to nurture and support the self-respect you’ve created for yourself. We hope you enjoy the conversation. 


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