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on intention setting,  time management and value prioritization

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Episode 16: Indra Gutiérrez on intention setting,  time management and value prioritization


For episode 16 of Balanceness, we welcomed Indra Gutiérrez to the podcast. Indra has over sixteen years of experience working in the construction industry overseeing multi-billion-dollar Engineering, Procurement and Construction projects across the Gulf Coast Region. She is the Owner and President of Gutier, a General Construction company located in Houston, TX. She oversees Gutier’s business operations, business development and organizational strategy. She has received an Executive MBA from the University of Texas at Austin, an M.S. in International Business from Houston Baptist University, and a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Houston. Indra is passionate about women's representation in the construction industry. She currently leads the Women’s Network within Gutier, whose mission is to empower the next generation of female leaders in the construction industry.


Indra and I met last year at a Kendra Scott EmpowerHer Summit speakers dinner and we immediately hit it off. Her passion for the construction industry was palpable and I was impressed by her dedication to women rising the ranks. I was curious about how she maintained the energy to helm and scale a construction start up, so I was thrilled when Indra agreed to share the secrets of her success on the podcast. In this episode we talk about setting intentions (the night before), surrounding ourselves with supporters and the importance of saying no. We also talk about sticking to our calendars and prioritizing self-care in whatever way that is for you. My major takeaway from Indra is that we must be as strategic as we are at work at home to maintain a personal balance in the face of busy times. I hope you benefit from Indra’s words of wisdom as much as I did. 






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