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on integrating polarizing thoughts, testing the limits of balance and building the mind-body connection. 

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Today we welcome Kevin Noble on the show. Kevin is a tech industry veteran with 17 years of cross-functional leadership experience. He started his professional life with a masters degree in mechanical engineering, and soon transitioned into broader business roles. Today his expertise spans across hardware and software system design, operations, finance, manufacturing, and more. He has run large global teams and led complex transformation projects across numerous functions.


In addition to his professional accomplishments, Kevin is a family man with a wife, three children, and two rescue pitbulls. He is an avid reader, consuming over 100 books a year, and loves staying active through a variety of physical activities, including rucking, running, weightlifting, and obstacle course racing. You'll frequently find him out in nature or in the kitchen cooking for his family.


I loved recording this episode because it gave me the opportunity to pick the brain of another chronic “side hustler”. What I mean by this is that Kevin is someone with a multitude of passions and external pursuits and also, has an extraordinary ability to structure his time for them. In this episode we talk about time boxing activities, but giving ourselves enough flexibility to accommodate ad hoc scheduling as well as polarizing thoughts on career and money. We discuss using experiments to test the parameters of our balance and staking our days with optimal components to keep feelings of anxiety and depression in check. Most interestingly, Kevin gives us some tools for being present and for building the mind-body connection. If you enjoy this conversation, you can hear more about Kevin’s hard-earned insights on leadership, mental models, and frameworks through his weekly newsletter, "The Catalyst." Check out his link below. 


+The Catalyst Newsletter:




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