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on Burnout, Shame and Healing

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In this episode, we speak with Sarah Lajeunesse, who has long been a friend to me and GrasshoppHer. Wearing her marketing hat, Sarah helped GrasshoppHer think through its future and grow into the community it is today. It was so nice to have the opportunity to understand how Sarah helps individuals, in addition to companies, experience the best versions of their lives.  


Sarah is an award-winning coach, writer, speaker and “shmealer” (shame healer) who helps humans heal the areas of shame in their lives that prevent them from experiencing a greater and richer quality of life that’s possible. She’s worked with hundreds of individuals spanning several countries around the world, spoken to audiences in Canada, the U.S. and Europe, and has led and facilitated retreats, gatherings and workshops that help humans release the guilt, shame, and experiences from the past that keep them in unwanted or disempowering circumstances. From working with, speaking to, and supporting hundreds of individuals who range in age from their teens to their 60’s and in various phases and stages in their lives, Sarah’s witnessed the long-term damage and detrimental impacts that the weight of shame can carry (if left unaddressed) from the boardroom to the bedroom, and everywhere in between. 


We wanted to know how shame can tip the balance pendulum and what Sarah does to help her clients restore a sense of control in their lives. Join us as we talk about the exact nature of shmealing, why it is not for everyone and how you can build a safe environment for yourself. We got so deep in this episode that I was at a loss for words not because I was shocked or overwhelmed, but because sometimes we must simply sit with powerful information. The moral of this episode is that everyone experiences shame and it can get in the way of our growth. We hope that your listen will empower you to identify your shame and begin to understand how it impacts the balance in your life. 







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